
You have Everything you Need
Cyanotype Prints on Fabric
24" x 40"

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These prints were created during different points of 2020- after the initial shutdown in mid March. I found this material to work with because I was unable to go to my studio building and I had to find different ways to work from home. This work references a recurring dream I have where my father comes to me, hands me a blue bag, and tells my I have everything I need. A mountain jay stands on my right shoulder as I receive the bag. The work includes prints of plants and flowers that have personal meanings and therapeutic qualities- such as carnations, guava leaves, and others I've had the privilege to connect with during this pandemic.

I'm a Xicana-Pinay interdisciplinary artist from the Harbor Area of Los Angeles. I transpose memories, stories, dreams, and symbols that represent my hybrid cultural identities and connection to spirituality. My art is a vehicle to heal familial intergenerational trauma, honoring those who came before me, and finding ways to merge past and present narratives.
